
“You are my lucky star.” – Singin’ in the Rain

Musicals make me happy. Simple as that. Usually (not always) musicals are really happy, there is nearly, almost, always a happy ending and there is singing and dancing….. WHAT MORE CAN YOU WANT!!??!!

I love musicals because I am a movie nut and love to sing. I’m always singing – you can ask anyone I know – if we hang out, I’m bound to sing. I don’t what it is…what i love so much. Actually, I read somewhere that singing is actual good for your health. I dont know how or why but maybe that’s why I do it. I’m subconsciously trying to stay healthy through song. Anyway, singing just makes me happy and fluffy inside.

I would say I’m pretty open-minded when it comes to musicals, as in I pretty much love every musical I’ve ever watched. I love online musicals especially by the company Starkid. But I love musicals ranging from the 1950s to today.

One of my favourite musicals of all time is “Singin’ in the Rain”. It’s just a classic! It never gets old. It’s one of those musicals where you can watch it over and over again and never get bored. I love Gene Kelly!! Who could be considered the Prince of old hollywood musicals. I love his talent and he’s just such an inspiration to many. Other musicals he has starred in I absolutely love are; An American in Paris, Brigadoon, On the Town and many more. I remember watching Brigadoon for the first time. I was about 12 years old, just come back from holiday and it was about 1-2 in the morning and it was on BBC3 and I watched it with my dad. I stayed up to finish it, loved it so much I begged my mum for the DVD and the kind-hearted soul that she is… I received it the next day. There is just something about “old” musicals that will never age.

Grease is another one of the favourites – I mean I even love the terrible sequel with Michelle Pfiffer. Again I was introduced to Grease at a young age, I was about 8 or 9 years old. My older cousin who I was very close with, put it on when I sayed over one time. I loved it so much it was on repeat, pretty much all the time. For my 11th birthday, my cousin took me to see Grease in the West End on stage. I was so excited I wore a Pink Ladies jacket, black top, black sequinned leggings and brown wedged shoes. I dressed up for the occasion, had a lot of people stared at me, which made me a bit self-conscious, but I just kept telling myself, “You’re a fan and 11 years old. THIS IS OK.” Anyway, the show was incredible! I will remember it forever. Growing up I admired Frenchie, I felt like we had a lot in common – she was bubbly, friendly and just a kind soul. She never wanted to disappoint her friends. I related that, I still do now but I just don’t have that constant worry of disappointment in the back of my mind. I also have a more matured mind and I can actually understand what I relate to.

If I talk about every musical that I loved we would be here forever!! I’m going to stick to films musicals or film adapted musicals or musical adapted films. You get what I mean!! I will do West End in another post.

Burlesque – 2010 – Christina Aguleria and Cher – I like this musical due to the cast, the music and dancing. The musical is just amazing! You have some fun raunchy songs and some emotional ones, that hit you right in the feels!

Hairspray – 2007 – Nikki Blonsky, Zac Efron, Queen Latifah, John Travolta and so many more!! – This star-studded cast has created one of the best remade musicals! (In my opinion) This is not the original but it’s a bloody good remake. Everyone is just perfection when portraying their roles and it’s just brilliant. Hairspray is also great as one of the main plot lines is racism in america in the 60s – specifically Racial segregation within a TV show in the film.

Les Miserables – 2012 – Anne Hathaway, Hugh Jackman, Russell Crowe, Helena Bohem Carter – I mean what can I say?? This is a star studded musical and it’s amazing. Incredible moving musical about the French Revolution, I cry every time! I would love to see it on stage (One of my main goals in life), I sadly missed my chance to see the amazing Carrie Hope Fletcher perform as Eponine but I still really want to see it!!

I think I’m going to end it here because I can go on and on and on.

Hope you enjoyed this post!!

And I’m out

Wiseflower xx



You can have more than one family

Fandoms mean a lot to me, I think that’s starting to become obvious. I’m part of many fandoms, I’m a Oncer, Stark, DisneyKid, Lost Girl, Potterhead. Now all of these fandoms are to do with films and TV but obviously fandoms are so broad….is that the right word?? Anyway fandoms can extend through music, art and practically anything.

Fandoms are like another family. But this family you can relate to on another personal level because you all have the same thing in common – you enjoy whatever TV show, film etc, And you can get to know so many amazing people just through talking about music, film etc.

Throughout 2016 my friend (R) and I have grown closer and I love her to pieces. We have always been friends but we were not incredibly close – whilst we were in school we connected more because she discovered a new interest and love for Harry Potter and I was known as the HP girl so she was able to express her interest and freak out with me and not feel weird about it because I understood her reaction. We then discovered we both enjoyed YouTube videos and liked the same YouTubers so we could happily fangirl to each other about this as well. She introduced me to anime and im still getting into it. I’m starting of slow with English dubbed films. I have loved every anime film she has shown me so far. (R) also told me to watch Game of Thrones and give it a chance. It was GoT or the Walking Dead and I don’t do zombies. I know I’m late to the party but I absolutely love it! At times I’m a bit confused, it kind of like ONCE in the sense that you have to pay attention to everything that is going on because if miss a small detail, it will throw you off track and you will be super confused. But, its okay I have (R) to explain everything to me if I get confused.

So with that information, what I’m trying to say is, fandoms can bring people together – specifically best mates as well as family. My sister and I have always been close, however there was a phase where we became distant toward each other because she was growing up and being a moody teenager (sorry Bess!) and I was a little kid, She’s four years older than me, and through her teenage years she became more obsessed with horror, fantasy, vampires and all that stuff, which at the time, I considered really scary. Actually to some extent, I still find scary now, I can deal with some horrors but I can’t be doing with paranormal and psychological horrors – they terrify me!! As well as zombies – I can’t deal with those either, when I was 14/15 I had an experience which developed those fear further. Anywayyyyy I’m getting off topic!!

What was I saying?? oh yeah….

My sister and I rekindled our bond through Harry Potter after I finally started reading the books and she also introduced me to Starkid. For those who don’t know, Starkid is a musical theatre production company who create parody musicals and upload them to YouTube. So through films, musicals and basically becoming apart of the same fandom, it has brought my sister and I close together.

So what have we learnt from this post:

  • You meet strangers online who become you friends and “other family” who understand and accept your craziness
  • Fandoms bring you and your friends closer together
  • As well as family members

I will go into more detail about my different fandoms in multiple posts.

I’m out.

Thanks for reading

Wiseflower x

The Addams Family Musical

Da-Da-Da-Dum *click click*


I love musicals. Like that’s it. I love musicals, growing up in the West End, I have been fortunate enough to see many musicals live. This is the first musical I will see not in the West End. I’m going to Woking to see it with one of my best friends. We are both theatre nerds and we both love Carrie Hope Fletcher who will be portraying Wednesday Addams. We both wanted to see the show from when they started their tour in London, but at the time i was saving money to go to Warner Bros Studio later on in the summer, however that did not happen. (I’m hopefully going at Christmas.)

We never ended up going, so I got my Addams update through Carrie’s social media and Youtube videos ‘Watch Me Wednesday’ and I accepted that I would never see it. A couple of months later, I went to my great aunts house and she had a magazine for Woking Theatre and Addams was on the front of the magazine. I got excited again – it was like a gleam of hope to go – I talked to my friend about it, asking her if she still wanted to go and she did so spontaneously at 11:50pm, I bought two tickets and we are going to Woking!!

I’m so excited!! I actually can’t wait. I feel sorry and apologize in advance to the person who sits next to me, I’m going to be so excited I’m going to be an actual mess, crying with happiness and singing and screaming and a nightmare basically. I will try my best to keep calm and keep my cool and to not fangirl as much but like I said; I will try.

We go in September and we are already planning the day, what we are wearing, what time to get to Woking, if we are going to do some exploring, I’M JUST SO EXCITED! I have tweeted about it and three members of the cast like my tweet and I was (and still am) ecstatic!! I can’t wait!!!!

Anyway I will update you when I see it.

I’m out!

Thanks for reading!

WiseFlower x

I’ve done it again

Oh my god! I’ve done it again abandoned this blog for 2 months! Let’s just say, I’m really crap at this! The past two months I haven’t even been busy, I just completely forgot. If you haven’t guessed by now, I have an awful memory. I’m surprised I even survived school. I mean I barely passed my A-Level exams because my memory is so bad.

Anyway, like I said I havent been busy but I was away for about 10 days. I went to Surrey with my mum and looked after my great-aunt. And you know what….I had such a great time. It was so nice to be away from London for a while! Away from the noise and it was great to be able to slow down for a while, even if it was short. London is always busy and bubbling – it’s non-stop! Time slips away from you and not in a good way. The day moves so quickly. To be able to slow down for a short amount of time was just enough to relax and sort my head out. I feel like everyone needs those sort of days. Just to take some time to themselves and SLOW DOWN! Everything happens so fast and we grow up so fast, it’s scary.

I have been back in London for almost a week and I did not miss the drilling and building work that’s happening in my area. It’s honestly a nightmare!! It happens ALL DAY! 8am – 6/7pm. AHHHHHHHHHHH!!! I’m just like “SHUT UP!!” I try to get away from it like going to a park or just going for a walk but everywhere you go in London at the moment there is drilling. Whether it be road works or building work, you just can’t escape it.

I’m out!

Sorry for not uploading and I’m sorry that this post is me basically ranting about how noisy London is.

WiseFlower x



Welcome to my blog page! I have no idea what I’m doing but im mainly going to be talking about my interests on here and random topics that I may want to talk about.

The reason I’m creating this blog is, sometimes, I have random moments throughout the day where I think about a topic for hours and write all my thoughts down, whether they be in a notebook, on my phone or even on a tissue! With this blog they will all be in one place and other people can read them and share their opinions – I’m always intersted in reading other peoples opinions. They can be incredibly interesting or incredibly funny.

Basic things you will learn about me:

  • I’m a huge Harry Potter fan (like I’m at the point where it’s becoming unhealthy)
  • I love to sing (not professionally)
  • I love disney, musicals and the tv show Once Upon a Time
  • I love film and TV
  • MAKE-UP : I love “playing” and experimenting with makeup

and I think thats about it!!

Enjoy this photo of Hogwarts from the Warner Bros Studio Tour. xx

Hogwarts wbs